
日本では当たり前(02) - 牛乳パック

Difference between Japanese and Western Cultures

2. Milk Cartons:

In the US, it is common to see milk cartons sold in gallons and quarts (i.e.US Imperial Units). They are sold in plastic containers thus the terminology of ‘carton’ not being truly accurate. Habitual consumption of cereals and cornflakes as well as clever marketing campaign (got milk?) promotes a higher demand relative to other countries.

In the UK, its imperial system is similar to that of the US, but the volume differs. Milk cartons are also usually sold in a plastic container with pints being the usual measurement.

Japan is one of the few who still abides to selling milk in a ‘proper’ carton. With recycling schemes for cartons being a common practice, even houses can be built out of this recycled material.

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