





summer festival - 夏祭り

take part - 参加する

procession - 行進・パレード

specific - 決められた・特定された

sync - synchronized の略、同拍子

big deal - 別にたいしたことではない

kindergarten - 幼稚園児

Last Saturday was the Summer Festival at Toyooka. It was my very first festival in Japan, so I was excited. I had been told I would take part in the dancing, but I had no idea what to expect. The procession involves many groups from different clubs, companies and organizations following a specific rhythm and dance. You have to move in time with the beat and keep your movements in sync with everyone else, so it can be quite difficult for a beginner like me. Whenever I saw someone I knew in the crowd, I would lose my place and get embarrassed. But everyone was having a good time and it wasn't that big a deal. I was dressed in a yukata. The other teachers told me I looked very cool, and who was I to argue?

After the dancing we went out to celebrate with the teachers from a kindergarten school. It was a lot of fun. I work with kindergarten children once a week, but this was the first chance I had to talk or get to know them.

All in all, my first summer festival was a lot of fun.

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